List of Edible Mushrooms in British Columbia
"Edibility" is highly relative.ย
Match all identifying features. Use multiple sources. Consult an expert.ย
Generally Safe ๐ย Edible for most. Gastric upset or allergic reactions are rare. Few poisonous lookalikes.ย
Caution โ ๏ธย Edible for most. Gastric upset or adverse reactions for a significant minority. Specific preparation requirements. Some similarย poisonous lookalikes.ย
Not Recommended ๐ญย Edible for some, or edibility is debated. Gastric upset is common. Suspected toxicity. Poisonous lookalikes are common or hard to distinguish.ย
Note: No mushroom is completely "safe". Hunt, identify and consume all mushrooms with caution! Read Our Mushroom Safety Guide.ย
Cantharellus sp. (Chanterelles)
Cantharellus cascadensis (Cascades Chanterelle) ๐
Cantharellus formosus (Pacific Golden Chanterelle) ๐
Cantharellus subalbidus (White Chanterelle) ๐
Cantharellus cibarius var. roseocanus (Rainbow Chanterelle) ๐
Morchella sp. (Morels)
Morchella esculentoides or americana (Western Yellow Morel) โ ๏ธ
Morchella tomentosa (Burn or Fire Morel, Black Stocking, Black Foot, Fuzzy Foot Morel) โ ๏ธ
Morchella brunnea (Natural Black Morel, Western Black Morel) โ ๏ธ
Morchella rufobrunnea (Blushing Morel) โ ๏ธ
Morchella importuna (Landscape Morel) โ ๏ธ
Morchella populiphila (Western Half-Free or Semi-Free Morel) โ ๏ธ
Source: For More Information on Morel Species in Western North America and the Pacific Northwest.
False morels can be deadly poisonous
Morels should always be cooked before being eaten. They should also be cooked in a well-ventilated area as they give off toxic fumes.ย
Laetiporus sp. (Chicken of the Woods)
Laetiporus conifericola โ ๏ธ
Laetiporus gilbertsonii โ ๏ธ
Chicken of the woods is known to cause gastric upset in some. Eat only the softest outer portion of the fruiting body.ย
Hericium sp.
Hericium erinaceus (Lion's Mane) ๐
Hericium coralloides (Coral Tooth), formerly Hericium ramosum ๐
Hericium abietis (Bear's Head, Western Coral Hedgehog) ๐
Sparassis radicata (Cauliflower Mushroom) ๐
Note: Sparassis crispa is the European variety
Hydnum sp. (Hedgehog Mushrooms)
Hydnum repandum (Sweet Tooth) ๐
Hydnum umbilicatum (Belly Button) ๐
Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (Jelly Tooth, Cat's Tongue) ๐
Guepiniopsis alpina (Jelly Cup, Alpine Jelly Cone, Poor Man's Gumdrop) ๐
Guepinia helvelloides (Apricot Jelly) ๐
Tremella mesenterica (Yellow Brain Fungus, Witch's Butter) ๐
Tremella aurantia (Golden Ear) ๐
Dacrymyces chrysospermus (Orange Jelly) ๐
Lepista nuda (Wood Blewit), formerly Clitocybe nuda ๐
Agaricus sp.ย
Agaricus campestris (Field Mushroom) ๐ญ
Agaricus arvensis (Horse Mushroom) ๐ญ
Agaricus silvicola (Wood Mushroom) ๐ญ
Agaricus augustus (The Prince) โ ๏ธ
Craterellus sp.
Craterellus (neo)tubaeformus (Yellow Foot, Winter Chanterelle, Trumpet Chanterelle) โ ๏ธ
Craterellus lutescens (Yellow Foot, Winter Chanterelle, Trumpet Chanterelle) โ ๏ธ
Craterellus cornucopioides (Black Chanterelle, Black Trumpet, Horn of Plenty, Trumpet of the Dead) โ ๏ธ?
Winter chanterelles are superficially similar to other small, bright mushrooms, which may be poisonous.ย
However, after a positive find or two, they can be easy to identify.ย
Pollyozellus multiplex (Black Chanterelle, Blue Chanterelle) ๐
Chlorophyllum sp. (Shaggy Parasol)
Chlorophyllum rhacodes (or rachodes), formerly Macrolepiota rhacodes ๐ญ
Chlorophyllum olivieriย ๐ญ
Chlorophyllum brunneumย ๐ญ
Coprinus comatus (Lawyer's Wig, Shaggy Mane, Shaggy Ink Cap) ๐
Gomphidius subroseus (Rosy Gomphidius) ๐
Gomphidius glutinosus (Slimy Spike Cap) ๐
Gomphus clavatus (Pig's Ears) ๐
Lactarius sp.
Lactarius deliciosus (Saffron Milk Cap) ๐
Lactarius rubrilacteus (Bleeding Milk Cap) ๐
Tricholoma murrillianumย (Pine, Western Matsutake) ๐ญ
Extra care should be taken not to confuse pine/matsutake mushrooms with the poisonous Smith's amanita (Amanita smithiana).
Sarcomyxa serotinaย (Late Oyster, Fall Oyster), formerly Panellus serotinusย ๐?
Pleurotus sp. (Oyster Mushrooms)
Pleurotus ostreatus (Autumn Oyster Mushroom) ๐
Pleurotus pulmonarius (Summer Oyster) ๐
Pleurotus populinus (Poplar Oyster) ๐
Pleurotus porrigens (Angel Wings), also Pleurocybella or Pleurotellus porrigensย ๐ / โ ๏ธ?
Note: Some recent concerns raised about potential toxicity.ย
Boletus edulis (Cep, Porcini, Penny Bun, King Bolete) โ ๏ธ
(Aureo)Boletus mirabilis (Admirable Bolete, Bragger's Bolete, Velvet Top) โ ๏ธย
Xerocomellus zelleri, also Boletus zelleri (Zeller's Bolete) โ ๏ธ
Boletes and other polypores (Suillus, Leccinum, etc.) are generally hard to distinguish and some varieties can cause severe gastric upset. Naming conventions and classifications are still being settled.ย
Suillus luteus (Slippery Jack) โ ๏ธ
Suillus grevillei (Larch Bolete) โ ๏ธ๏ธ
Suillus lakei (Matte Jack, Western Painted Suillus)โ ๏ธ
Most Suillus mushrooms are considered edible, although the slime on their caps can cause diarrhea when eaten fresh.
Marasmius oreades (Fairy Ring Mushroom) โ ๏ธ
Lycoperdon perlatum (common puffball) โ ๏ธ
Lycoperdon pyriforme (stump puffball, pear-shaped puffball) โ ๏ธ
While puffballs are usually quite easy to identify, care should be taken not to confuse them with poisonous amanita mushrooms that are still encased in their volva.
Vascellum pratense (meadow puffball)
Laccaria laccata (Deceiver, common laccaria)
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis (amethyst laccaria)
Lyophyllum decastes (fried chicken, clustered domecap) other L. multiceps, clitocybe multiceps, tricholoma aggregatum
Russula brevipes (short-stemmed russula, stubby brittlegill
Russula cascadensis (cascade russula)
xerampelina Shrimp Russula