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How Not To Do Die When Foraging For Wild Mushrooms 🢂
A list of the 6 best mushrooms to learn if you're starting out foraging 🢂
Important information about the deadly poisonous mushrooms that appear in British Columbia 🢂
A review of Stamets' influencial book on magic mushrooms, with info on magic mushrooms in BC 🢂
A short introduction to a common edible mushroom 🢂
Learn about some of the many varieties of edible berries which you can find on Vancouver Island 🢂
Discover some tasty mushrooms that you can find after the peak fall season in BC, usually from November onwards 🢂
Hericium and other white "pom-pom" mushrooms are some of the most sought-after 🢂
More about the "boletes", a common group of mushroom including all those with a cap, stem, and pores instead of gills 🢂